AGM 2024
Distinction Hotel
On Saturday November 9th, 70 shareholders/ owners and whanau packed out the conference room for a very positive and lively AGM. Our hui began at 10.30am with a karakia and tribute to the late Kingi Tūheitia by Kaumatua Mana Forbes and concluded at 4pm with a karakia and waiata, beautifully executed by committee members Stacey Whitiora and Dallas Seymour.
Chairman Wayne Brewer delivered his report- highlighting the successes of TKI over the past 26 years and presented Brendon Green with a Pounamu Taonga in recognition of his 18 years’ service on the Committee of Management.
Brendon’s legacy is his work on a Minerals Project which is currently paused for a variety of reasons.
Other reports positively presented and accepted were-
Financial, John McRae ( Deloittes)
Property and Investment. Property Manager Wayne Brewer.
Forestry including harvesting update. Lees Seymour and John Forbes.
Health and Safety and Website Report , Kenneth Riddell.
Land swap. Detailed by John Forbes and duly approved.
Cultural and strengthening Governance - Dallas Seymour and Stacey Whitiora.
Election of Committee of Management.
By rotation Stacey Whitiora and Kenneth Riddell were re-appointed.
Brendon Green stood down and Nicole Brewer was nominated and appointed, unopposed.
Nicole’s whakapapa is to Ngati Mahuta and Ngati Hikairo. She is the great-great-granddaughter of Takutai Falwasser (née Tamaki).
Welcome Nicole.
Nicole will round off a very professional team. Her background is in commerce with a B Com from Auckland University and a career mainly in tourism and aviation (Air NZ, operations 8 years and Emirates). She is currently CEO of Rotorua Airport.
General Business generated some lively but positive debate on a number of issues particularly CoM remuneration which had not been reviewed since 2018. The CoM put in far more hours than what they are compensated for.
TKI has a very exciting future with a number of projects under consideration which will only come to fruition after careful management and due diligence.
Watch this website for updates.
Nga mihi nui
Wayne Brewer
TKI Chair.